Friday, September 29, 2006

September 29 - Rocking Chair

An interesting canvas came to light in the move today--I found an acrylic I had started a LONG time ago, and wanted to bring it out for you to see, because in looking at it with "new" eyes, I can see many things that appeal to me, and some major things I will be changing in the next couple of days. Before I begin, though, I need to tell you that this painting is 30 x 28 inches, not quite square, and not a small piece. That said, lets share the story: 

I painted this from life and a few reference photographs, and it was composed in the living room of the "old" house. The objects on the shelves include a photograph of my folks, who were alive when I painted it. That photo now sits on the mantel of the new house. The lamp is one of two that I now have, receiving the second one when Mom passed. So there is a lot of meaning in this painting for me personally. Design-wise, the painting is strong with horizontal, diagonal and curved lines--this painting is all about those lines--the cats are bit players. Check the curves of the shadows as well, reinforcing the sweep that takes you up into the composition with the strength of the grout lines in the tiles. The draped coverlet repeats those lines.  The books are all unique, yet repetitive, giving you variety. The brushwork in the books repeats the brushwork in the tiles. This is a PLANNED painting, not just an assemblage of objects. I will be working over many aspects of it in the next few days (if I can find my acrylics!), so I hope you'll enjoy the transition. It may be signed, but it sure isn't "finished!"

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