Take a look at this canvas and compare it with the last post, and see if you can see what I've done on this 16 x 20 oil. I've spent my time going over the canvas, making those large initial color shapes far more interesting.
It isn't finished yet, but coming along nicely. I'll post it when the signature is on, and I've fixed some of the issues that are in my head about it.
One of the six value plans that I cover in my workshops is called "Gradation in large shapes" and this canvas is a perfect example of that. Every large color shape has been made more interesting with colors that are close to the initial shape's dominate hue, and yet are of a slightly different value, creating the gradations. Note the trees for the clearest example--the horse is more subtle in those variations, yet that's what makes it "look" like a horse.
I'm gearing up for the ten students to arrive later today for the beginning of the first California Color Boot Camp of 2009! They start out this evening with a "meet and greet", and then in the next three days we'll be using the theater for lectures and the outer studio space for painting. It will be incredibly busy! I've even made a new dvd for my lectures on both the values plans and the Color System for my lectures!
The April workshop is full already. I still have spaces in both the Florida and Maine workshops, if you want some "Color Boot Camp" treatment. I just love teaching!
You can see my entire blog HERE.
My workshop schedule for 2009 is HERE.
Color System information can be found HERE.
If you need to email me directly, please click here.