This 9 x 12 acrylic was done as the workshop demonstration piece for evening light, using the Color System. Nine participants finished up three intense days of painting from 9 to 4:30, learning the Color System for time of day here in my studio last weekend, and this was from the second day, in the afternoon.
I used the cool box colors to lay in all of the distances and shadows before judiciously putting the warms into the nearby lights and on the meadow. Evening light is showing as the influence of cadmium orange on the lights, and an interesting thalo blue/cadmium orange light on that blue spruce.
The source for this painting came from one of the students in the workshop. I seriously edited the placement of objects to create a more pleasing perspective and eye-path. It was done with mostly traditional acrylics, but there were some Golden Open acrylics in the boxes now, so it was a compromise on which "ruled the day".
The next Color Boot Camp here in California is full (April), but if there's enough interest, I will open a third one in June with the same three-day format. There are still spaces on the east coast in three of my workshops--first in Georgia in May, second in Florida in May, and the third one during the Fall Foliage in Maine, in September. Now's the time to learn!
You can see my entire blog HERE.
My workshop schedule for 2009 is HERE.
Color System information can be found HERE.
If you need to email me directly, please click here.