Saturday, May 06, 2006

May 6 - Salvation (Sunset)

"Salvation" Before you say, "Hey, this looks familiar!", I want you to know that this is a commission requested by a collector on the East Coast who saw the tiny 7 x 5 sunset from last month, and requested a 20 x 16 version for her collection. I like to think of all my 8 x 10 and smaller paintings as potential starting points for larger works--quick studies. And I am always available for commission work--I just love the challenges. This week I'm prepping for a one artist showing of at least eight paintings of a western flavor for the Temecula Community Theater complex. Fun! Sale Pending.

Friday, May 05, 2006

May 5 - Coastal Live Oak (moved by developers)

"Veneration" In the valley below where we live, before the development, there used to be some venerable coastal live oaks growing, like this one. The developers boxed them up and moved them, and now they grow in civilized landscape areas, having lost something of their magnificence for having been moved. Fortunately I took photographs of all of these trees before they were uncerimoniously uprooted, and have taken a moment in time to put them back. Original oil, 9 x 12 inches. $200.

Thursday, May 04, 2006

May 4 - Jesus and the Place of Peace

"In the Place of Peace" I have done many plein air paintings, and many have been favorites. I still have this one, which hasn't been on display or on the web site for a year or more. Since I spent most of today working on the design of the back cover for Horses in Art's summer issue, I thought you might enjoy a "resurrection" (so to speak!) of an earlier painting. I loved it when I painted it, and I still love it today, most especially for the brushwork and the different values of gray on the statue of Jesus. But unless it speaks to you, it will remain in my personal collection. Original oil on canvas glued to birch backboard, 16 x 12 inches. It was done on location at the Pala Mission, south of Temecula and east of Fallbrook. One of the string of California missions from San Diego northwards. Great place to paint. $300

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

May 3 - Our Anniversary, Aspens

"Outstanding, in his Field" Today my beloved and I renewed our wedding vows as we have done for the last eight years, followed by a picnic and an enjoyable afternoon together. It's been a bit cold lately, so I am reminded of another October painting time, and backlit aspens came off the brushes when I returned to the studio. I like to think of how special my spouse is, like that one green pine in the midst of those golden aspens. I bet many of you saw the aspens first? That's because we have each one the unique vision to find the match for ourselves. Aspens for one, a pine tree for another. Original oil, 9 x 12 inches. $200.

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

May 3 - Our Anniversary Eve

"Today, Tomorrow and Always" Interesting how we are sandwiched in between that which is our future, and that which was our past. Today I picked up my Mom's ashes, and together we went and looked at property.  Mom always loved real estate.  Now before you think I've gone off the deep end, know that there was a lot of humor in the day's ride.  She (in her box) on the passenger seat, and I even put one of her floppy-brimmed hats on her box.  Now she is in the cedar chest with my dad's ashes, awaiting October and the trip for our final farewell.  
  In talking about always, I need to share with you the subject of today's painting--when I came back to the house after feeding the goats, there was this bouquet of salmon mini roses, a card, and a dinner set out on the table, all done by my husband.  He knew I'd had a rough day, so he "rose" to the challenge with this gesture.  Tomorrow is our anniversary, and the first line on the card so poignantly said "Today, Tomorrow and Always".  Today, my Mom, Tomorrow, our anniversary, and Always our future together.   
  Our dinner was toasted with Wilson Creek's Almond Champagne.  Yes, almond.  Wonderful stuff.  Makes the brushes do strange and wonderful things. Original 6 x 4 oil $100

Monday, May 01, 2006

May 1 - Buffalo Sunset

"Buffalo Sunset"  I so enjoy painting sunsets and sunrises.  They signify the change of mode from action to rest, and from rest to action--a totally normal part of daily living.  The clarity of the change of pace is such a pleasure to depict on canvas.  This one is 8 x 10 original, in oils.
  I need the rest right now, for I don't mind sharing with you that grief for my mother's passing hit me like a ton of bricks yesterday and today.  I have been crying off and on all day, and finding memories and sadness at every moment, every turn in the house, and even in such mundane chores as laundry.  I thought I'd dodged that grief bullet, since I'd been so "normal" for the past three weeks.  Tain't so.  I've been told that this would happen, just didn't think it would.  But optimist that I am, I know this will pass as well.  
  So the sunset and the buffalo truly represent the passing of time, and I paint them with bittersweet joy.  It feels so good to be back in my home studio, surrounded by my "friends" -- the other paintings I have done.  I take great comfort from them.

Sunday, April 30, 2006

April 30 - California Rough Country

"Badlands Brush" There are areas near Redlands and San Bernardino that are called "The Badlands" because of the incredibly steep terrain. Covered in grasses, scrub oak and brush, these remote areas have a beauty all their own. Original oil, 12 x 9. $200