Saturday, June 10, 2006

June 10 - Fog on California's Coast

"On Cat Feet" (Coastal Fog) While on location at the Santa Rosa Plateau during this month of June, there is the phenomenon of the coastal fog that comes in and caresses the hills and grasslands in the later afternoon. The fog stays around until late the following morning, and is called "June Gloom" by the weather people. As the afternoon progresses, this fog slips over the coastal range just as you see it in the painting below (and if you can't see it, click on the jpeg link). This is a 6 x 12 inch on-location canvas, and was fun to paint, as the light kept coming and going with the sun being obscured by the fog "marching on cat feet" to envelop the late afternoon. I was with my artist friend Roxanne, and we were at Sylvan Meadows.

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