Monday, July 31, 2006

July 31 - Ocatillo

"Ocotillo" This is the second half of the diptych from the marathon of painting, today I'm packing them up and shipping to the framers in Van Nuys.  The company that is stretching and framing these pieces does all the framing for the Norton Simon Museum and the Los Angeles County Museum of Art (  I'm in grand company!  Acrylic, 30 x 20.
I do hope those of you interested in design take these two paintings and put them side by side with about half again their width between them.  They will be flanking a large piece of furniture, and creating a continuity to the wall space.  I want you to see how the design goes between and connects even across empty space.
  The human eye tends to "fill in the blanks" when given related areas in artwork.  Ken Auster said, "Don't insult the viewer by giving them all the details.  Let them feel good by allowing them to figure stuff out."  My take on that is we are conditioned by our intelligence and experience to see things and complete the image when it is something familiar.  Our "problem" as artists is that when we paint, we focus on one area as we paint it, to the exclusion of the whole presence, and get tied down to the details in that one area.  So I say, "Let go!" and lose the non-essential areas of your work.  Squint more (reduces details to the essentials) when you look at your subject.  Let the viewer of your work enjoy the puzzle solving of finding the connections.
-to Greene and Associates

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