Tuesday, April 05, 2011

Apr 3 - Two Paintings Come Back Together

Source Material for these paintings

Other News...
Still slogging through taxes right now, but will see the light tomorrow, well before the appointment on Thursday.
In the garden, the raised beds are full of winter veggies such as spreckles lettuce and carrots, and kale. That's bouganvilla on the fence holding back the green Preserve behind the place.
The lambs are growing, the corn and squash are popping in the big garden, and there are pingpong-ball-sized green tomatoes on the heirloom Stupice plant.
Spring is definitely here!
April 5 - Conversion in The Two Paintings
Fourth Pass - Now it's time to use "gradation" in the larger areas for interest.  Fun with the acrylics, dry and ready to assimilate more layers. With a palette knife and some moldling paste mixed into the pigment, I had fun putting in the distant flowering trees in the orchard at the end of the pasture. 
Gradation is when a passage of color is made more interesting by the addition of closely related values and hues to break up the larger shape. There are many ways to do this, and using a palette knife is only one.
Note that there STILL are no details! Please squint your eyes to see that the values and design hold together without them. The upper (warm ground) painting has more contrast at this point, and I'm pleased with both of them.
Workshop information is HERE.
Email Elin HERE.
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Please forward this on to anyone you think would be interested in these online lessons. I love to share what I know about painting, and it is your sharing with other folks that make this possible.

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