Saturday, September 23, 2006

September 23 - Sunset Color Lesson Painting

"Sunset Light over the Farm" I'm still in Lexington, because flights all over the place were cancelled due to a second storm front that came through today. I was standing at the airport check-in counter and the attendant tells me my flight to California from Dallas was also cancelled. So I'm enjoying a nice glass of wine at Melissa's farm and planning to leave very early tomorrow morning. Safer, definitely. I'll share a small photo of the black tornado sky that was coming up over the farm when we came back. It's on today's date for September. I've never seen a true "tornado sky" before!
This 9 x 11 oil was the demonstration painting for the Color Boot Camp's Sunset lesson. I asked my students to focus on the orange and alizarin characteristics of sun and shadow, and to remember that skies are a simple formula of three hues.
On other news, I've firmed up the dates for the Georgia Color Bootcamp workshop one year from now--September 11-14. If you're interested, email me.
This sunset painting is available for $150 from the link for September above.

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