Sunday, January 08, 2006

January 8 - A Bit Mulish

This painting is one that came back to me and has been in the racks for about two years, ever since my mother moved into assisted living. Downsizing from a large apartment to a studio apartment really allowed her to let go of the material goods of her life, and she returned this painting to me. Now in the "artist's collection", I know it is time to let it go.


Martha Marshall said...

Elin, this reminds me so much of Festus, the Alabama mule, whose pictures I put up at Paint-L at one time. He is a sweetheart, and doesn't get nearly enough attention! Of course, with mules, "sweetheart" is a relative term.

Unknown said...

Wow, I really enjoy this painting. The mules show so much strength and the color is amazing.