Sunday, August 20, 2006

August 20 - Moonlight Horse #2

"So what's with the moonlight, Elin?" Most probably I'm trying to escape into the darkness from all the issues surrounding the new house.  So busy, every day... 
This 5 x 7 oil is the "other one" for the moonlight explanation in the upcoming workshops.  Note the muted colors!  This one conveys the same feel for moonlight, but is done with very muted colors in the system, following the cool palette completely.  There are no cadmiums in this painting!  Compare it with yesterday's strong colors, and you can see how knowing the system requires time to learn to tone it down.  I've had some nice emails from former students whose work is getting to this new level.
  I wanted to hide when I found some anatomical issues with yesterday's piece and today's already gives me the golly-wobbles when I look at it, but I keep reminding myself "this is a quick study" not a carefully crafted piece destined for some museum somewhere.  Hey, teachers need to make an instructional point sometimes at the expense of drawing accuracy.  Don't shoot me.  I'll fix it.  Last year I used pears.  You can make a lot of anatomical mistakes on pears and nobody cares.  Do a horse wrong and everybody notices... 

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