Saturday, September 30, 2006

September 30 - Breezy Clouds

"Moving Clouds on a Breezy Day" Oh darn. I was supposed to paint on yesterday's painting, and well... we had company to the new house this evening, and all plans for painting in acrylics went out the window! So the result for today is this nice 6 x 8 cloud study. I like doing clouds, because it allows me to really "cut loose" with brushwork. Compare this one to the earlier one in acrylics to see a difference in both values and textures. My spirit soars as I look at it, and I want to paint more of them! 
 But I also need to put together the EASEL (yes it is finally moved!) and start painting on that larger acrylic lesson for you. $100 from the Daily Paintings web site for this date.

Friday, September 29, 2006

September 29 - Rocking Chair

An interesting canvas came to light in the move today--I found an acrylic I had started a LONG time ago, and wanted to bring it out for you to see, because in looking at it with "new" eyes, I can see many things that appeal to me, and some major things I will be changing in the next couple of days. Before I begin, though, I need to tell you that this painting is 30 x 28 inches, not quite square, and not a small piece. That said, lets share the story: 

I painted this from life and a few reference photographs, and it was composed in the living room of the "old" house. The objects on the shelves include a photograph of my folks, who were alive when I painted it. That photo now sits on the mantel of the new house. The lamp is one of two that I now have, receiving the second one when Mom passed. So there is a lot of meaning in this painting for me personally. Design-wise, the painting is strong with horizontal, diagonal and curved lines--this painting is all about those lines--the cats are bit players. Check the curves of the shadows as well, reinforcing the sweep that takes you up into the composition with the strength of the grout lines in the tiles. The draped coverlet repeats those lines.  The books are all unique, yet repetitive, giving you variety. The brushwork in the books repeats the brushwork in the tiles. This is a PLANNED painting, not just an assemblage of objects. I will be working over many aspects of it in the next few days (if I can find my acrylics!), so I hope you'll enjoy the transition. It may be signed, but it sure isn't "finished!"

Thursday, September 28, 2006

September 28 - Mare and Foal in Pasture

"Moving Forward" How profound this painting is for me. Here I am in the new (chaotic) studio, and yet I keep my head focused on the future and the paintings that will emerge from this space, and voila! I make a definite keeper. This 6 x 12 oil is a marriage of Kentucky memories and horse language with the mare taking the youngster forward into greener pastures! I'm taking my art that way, too, with planned workshops next year and a full schedule this fall. Can we as artists paint our own futures? I think so. One of those lines for accomplishing something comes to me now, as I remember what I used to tell students, "Aim at nothing; you'll hit it." So I aim for a bright and positive future. Potholes on that road may slow me down, but, like the mare, I'm moving forward. This wet oil is available for $325. It's a good 'un! Available from the Daily Paintings web site for this date.

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

September 27 - Tuxedo Happy Cat

Happy Cat" (Bats in the Studio) Oh my!  Even though I'm still not completely moved over (easel and taboret are still at the other place), I couldn't keep myself from doing this 6 x 4 oil tonight.  Here it is almost midnight and I'm just hopping with joy at being able to lift brushes in the new studio space!  Today we brought over the big Tibetan Mastiff, and that was a fun move, as she's never left the old property for a long period before.  Tentative, she explores the new space, finding her limits for protecting us, and yet we're not sure she'll adjust. Now she sleeps at my feet, accepting the locale. Bats-the-Studio-Cat gives me one of those inscrutable stares that cannot be fathomed, and I paint him, looking relaxed and with the pleasure of being the resident king cat. Having the creatures again in my life brings a full circle to a close. Time for bed, and tomorrow a new exciting day!
  Original oil, for sale for $100 from the Daily Paintings web site for this date.

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

September 26 - Cloud Exercise in Acrylics

"Cloud Exercise" I was asked by one of the participants in the acrylic workshop (Lynda!) how do I do clouds, and would I demonstrate the methods for getting a feel for the ethereal, and this 12 x 9 inch canvas resulted. It was painted with the sky color first and the layers of light being added in a glazing fashion, with the lightest forms and edges added last. I think I used a 5/8 inch brush on the whole thing, which goes to show that those filberts can really dance when you need them to!
  Herculean two days of moving--I came home to a stressed out hubby and just tons of work to be done. My artist friend Nancy Cox and my sister-in-law came to the old house for a marathon packing afternoon.  Hmmm, I don't think I'll find anything for weeks! But the dining room table is in place, and we can sit down to a proper meal--which we did this evening. I've also spent a good portion of the day filling DVD orders that came in while I was gone. They are all going out in tomorrow's mail!
Coyotes are really howling tonight. All cats are inside and safe. $100 Available from the Daily Paintings web site for September 26.

Monday, September 25, 2006

September 25 - "Red Apple"

"Changing Light (Red Apple Exercise)" This is about 6 x 7 inches, and is an acrylic example of how to do layers with acrylics, painting this complex, yet simple apple. Note the beautiful change of coloration from the yellow orange on the lightest side to the red-violet in the shadows. I learned this from observing Dahlart Windberg's work, although I didn't understand what he was doing back then. I love the veils of color in this quick study. $100 Available from the Daily Paintings web site for September 25.

Sunday, September 24, 2006

September 24 - Moonlight Calf

"Cream of the Calves" Home safe, and purely tired! I share this exercise I painted during the acrylic workshop of one of the calves on the farm, shifting the light to more of a moonlight painting--HOWEVER, I didn't quite get it, because the values are too light for a "real" moonnlight painting--so this one shifts over to a lightly overcast day instead. Hey, artistic license, we can do that! I does show the layering of acrylics, however, and is a nice 9 x 12 size. It's actually in a shipping box that is on its way here, arriving sometime later this week. Available for $250 from the Daily Paintings web site for September 24.